General Web Design

            The entire web site (excluding the modules) consists of basic html files.  This means that these files are just text files with standardized "tags" that tell the web browser (i.e.. Netscape, Internet Explorer) how to display the text.  For any of the pages within this site, you can choose to "view source".  Your computer will consequently show a text file that has all the words you now see plus the coded html tags (the words inside the <> symbols).  To speed up the process of entering the tags manually, I used Netscape Communicator which has a built in web page composing program.  These types of programs are often referred to as WYSIWYG (pronounced wizzy-wig) meaning "What You See Is What You Get".  In short, you type the page as you want it to look, and the program automatically puts the necessary tags into your document.  Nothing to special here, but there is a very good chance that you will eventually be using a similar type of program to create web pages of your own.

Written by Kenneth Jacobson