Arizona Training for Certified Nutrient Management Planners

The Arizona NPDES General Permit for CAFOs requires that each permit holder that land applies manure have a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP). The NMP must be approved by Arizona NRCS or a Certified Nutrient Management Planning Specialist. This certification is provided by NRCS.

In addition to taking the NRCS class, those wanting to be certified must take the following courses:

  1. Introduction To Water Quality - Sign up for this class over the Internet and NRCS will send the materials to you. Plan on about 20 hours to go through the materials. You will take a pretest (100 multiple choice questions) before registering for the materials. So, make sure you have some time for the test. At the end of the class you will take the posttest (also 100 questions).
  2. Agricultural Waste Management Systems - A Primer. Sign up for this class over the Internet and they will send the materials to you. This class takes less than an hour.
  3. Nutrient Management Considerations in Conservation Planning - This class is similar to the Introduction To Water Quality. You will need to sign up for the class over the internet. You will take a pretest and a posttest. This class will take 40-80 hours to complete, including six self-study modules and a 1-day facilitated workshop.

Page updated 7/02

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