Manure Use and Management (Worksheet #8)*

Table of Contents

Why should you be concerned?

Worksheet #6 "Collection and Storage of Agricultural Animal Wastes and Wastewater," discusses the current laws that regulate Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). These laws are in the form of Best Management Practices (BMPs), which are carried out through the use of Guidance Practices (GPs).

Arizona also has BMPs for the use of nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture. This worksheet covers information that will help you successfully apply manure and other organic wastes to cropland.

Livestock and poultry farms produce a lot of organic waste that can be recycled to enrich the soil. Some of these waste materials are high in nutrients. Livestock manure and milk parlor wastewater are especially high in nutrients.

Manure and other organic wastes are good for the soil if they are used properly. But they can cause pollution in the soil, water, and air if they are not managed wisely.

What can you do?

1. Follow the state mandated BMPs (by using the GPs best suited to your operation) for the use and disposal of animal wastes.

2. Find out the nutrient content of manure and organic wastes before using them. Adjust the amount of fertilizer you use based on soil tests, nutrients supplied by the manure, irrigation water, and crop needs.

3. Learn how to apply manure and other organic wastes safely on your land.

*This document is from FARM*A*SYST the Farm/Ranch Self-Assessment System For Arizona from University of Arizona Cooperative Extension

Page updated 7/02

Acronyms and selected definitions

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