Water Quality and Animal Feeding Operations in Arizona: A Producer's Notebook

Worksheet #13: Reporting Spills (discharges of toxic pollutants or hazardous substances) (Excel file version, 6KB)

Date and Description of any spills of toxic or hazardous substances.
(for clarification of spills, see the following sections in the permit: IV.B.2.f., IV.B.2.g., and IV.B.2.i.)

According to the Arizona NPDES general permit, Part IV. B. 2. i., "The permittee must take appropriate measures to prevent and clean up spills of any pollutants and to report spills according to part VI. D. 3." Part VI. D. 3. requires reporting of any noncompliance which may endanger human health or the environment within 24 hours of the permittee becoming aware of the situation. To report a spill, call 415-744-1905. A written report must be provided within 5 days. The information required on the written report follows:

Date and Time Spill began:


Date and Time Spill ended (if the spill has not ended, indicate estimate of when it will end):


Cause of Discharge:



Description of Discharge (location, water body involved, substance spilled):



Steps being taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence:





This worksheet was developed by the Arizona Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Consultation and Training Program, in collaboration with Natural Resources Conservation Service, University of Arizona, & AZ Conservation Districts, for use in record keeping requirements for the Arizona NPDES General Permit.

Page updated 7/02.

Acronyms and selected definitions

© 2000 The University of Arizona. All contents copyrighted. All rights reserved. http://ag.arizona.edu/animalwaste/
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