SWES-474/574 ECOL-474/574 WFSc-474/574

Fall Semester 2003 - Tues and Thur. 1:00 to 3:50
Room 410 CBS Building
Course Web Site

Course description: The course will cover aspects of the biology and ecology of aquatic vascular plants from freshwater (marsh and riparian) and estuarine environments. We will also examine the construction and uses of constructed wetlands. The course will include short field trips to a constructed wetland and local riparian zones during the class period and one Saturday field trip to a wetland in Arizona.

Course objectives: Aquatic plants are generally defined as those higher (vascular) plants completing their life cycles wholly or partly in a submerged state or in saturated soil. The goals of this course are: i) to learn the basic taxonomy of common aquatic plants, ii) to become familiar with the habitats where aquatic plants are commonly found, iii) to understand the functioning of nutrient cycles in aquatic systems, iv) to know the various definitions of wetlands and important legislation applicable to wetlands, v) to understand the concepts of mitigation, restoration, constructed wetlands, effluent dominated streams and wetlands, and how these are implemented, vi) become familiar with control and management of aquatic plants in perturbed and man-made ecosystems, vii) become familiar with aquatic nuisance plant species and their role in the environment, viii) become familiar with the primary literature (scientific journals and reference books) in this field. The lab portion will focus on use of small ecosystems for study, short field trips to local wetlands, and familiarization with field instruments and water testing kits.

Instructors: Drs. Fitzsimmons ph. 626-3324  and  Glenn ph. 626-2664
Instructors e-mail: and

Office Hours: T & Th 12:00 in CBS 410, or by appointment at ERLab

Required Textbook: Wetlands 3rd Ed., Mitsch and Gosselink

Exams: will be comprehensive and questions will come from lectures, textbooks, labs, student presentations, handouts and field trips. (Hint: topics which arise in two or more of these areas are the most likely to show up on exams.) Mid-terms will be reviewed in the class period following the exam. Short field trips will be conducted during the class period and attendance is required.

Grading: 2 mid-terms (higher score counts for 20%, lower score 15%)
final 25%
papers 20%
labs and plant collection 10%
presentation & participation 10%

574 Research Project: Design, conduct and report a field or lab experiment developed with the instructors.

Research Paper: Pick subject, run keyword search in library, read pertinent literature on topic, prepare review paper

We expect the term paper to be a review of a topic of interest within the fields of aquatic plants or wetlands biology or ecology. The format should include a short abstract which will introduce the topic and provide a synopsis of the rest of the paper. The Introduction of the paper should discuss the topic in more detail and present some background information. The important literature (peer reviewed) should be brought up at this point, both text and journal articles would be appropriate. The Discussion section should be your interpretation of how all this information fits together. You should provide a synthesis of information you have found from various sources. It is expected that not all of the references will deal with your exact subject. The point is that you are examining the literature to extract bits and pieces from various sources and studies to better understand and update one specific topic. By looking at the basic published information and incorporating ancillary information from the most current literature you should be able to prepare a report which is completely up to date. The goal is to cover the topic with a well written paper, rather than a certain number of words or pages. But since several people will ask this anyway, we would expect the paper will take eight to ten pages of double spaced text with at least six referenced journal articles. Graphics are fine to include, either original or copies from literature. In fact tables or graphs generated from various studies are an excellent tool for a review paper.

Class participation: Much of the learning from this course comes from discussions during labs, field trips and during student presentations. Students who do not take part in these activities will be at a disadvantage to students who do take part in discussions and activities. The 10% of the grade devoted to participation and presentation will be graded on the oral presentation and participation in class discussions.

Late and missed assignments: Scores on assignments turned in late will be reduced 10% per day. Lectures, labs, field trips and student presentations are integral to the course structure and exam questions will come from all these aspects. In case of missed lectures, labs, or field trips, handouts will be provided but student is responsible for getting class notes. For extenuating circumstances, call and leave message at 626-3324.

Course grades: Course grades will be determined on a

Tentative Lecture + Lab Schedule: Fall Semester 2002                                     Readings 1. Aug. 26 Introductions - Overview                                                     Chap. 1
2. Aug. 28 Aquatic Plants - Definitions and Taxonomy                     Chap. 2.
3. Sept. 2 Adapations to aquatic environments                                   Chap. 7
4. Sept. 4 Adaptations cont. - Visit to Herbarium                                Chap. 7
5. Sept. 9 Field Trip to CERF?
6. Sept. 11 Types of Wetlands                                                                Chap. 3, 4
7. Sept. 16 Inland wetlands                                                                      Chap. 12, 13
8. Sept. 18 Limnology                                                                               Chap. 14
9. Sept. 23 Marine Ecosystems -                                                             Chap. 9
10. Sept. 25 Overview Saline Habitats                                                   Chap. 9
11.Sept. 30 Salt Marshes                                                                             Chap. 9, 10
12. Oct. 2 Field Trip to Sabino Canyon Riparian Area
13. Oct. 7 Sea Grass Beds                                                                        Chap. 11
14. Oct. 9 Mangroves                                                                             Chap. 11
15. Oct. 14 Mid Term
16. Oct. 16 San Pedro River                                                                     CD Rom
17. Oct. 21 Riparian zones                                                                       Chap. 15
18. Oct. 23 Riparian zones                                                                       Chap. 15
19. Oct. 28 Constructed Wetlands                                                         Chap. 19, 20
20. Oct. 30 First Papers Due First Round of Student presentations
21. Nov. 4 Nutrient cycling                                                                     Chap. 5, 6
22. Nov. 6 Santa Cruz - An Effluent-dominated stream,
23. Nov. 11 Veterans Day nbsp;                                                                          
24. Nov. 13 Control & Management of aquatic plants;                      Chap. 16, 17
Physical and Chemical Handouts
25. Nov. 13 Control & Management of aquatic plants;                      Handouts
Mechanical and Biological Controls
26. Nov. 20 Second Mid-Term,
27 Nov. 25. Aquatic Nuisance Species (Laws and Impacts)              Handouts
28. Nov. 27. Thanksgiving Holiday                                                          Chap. 18, 21
29. Dec. 2. Wetland delineations
30. Dec. 4 Make-up lecture and Student Presentations
31. Dec. 9  Grad experimental paper due, Second papers due, Student Presentations
31. Dec 11 Dead day

FINAL EXAM   Dec. 16  2:00 - 4:00

Course lecture notes
Student Presentations
Photos from course field trips and of aquatic plants
Course Related Links:

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