E.   PRACTICAL TEST - PROCESS AND PACKAGE A FISH

Students Name:____________________________________ Date:______________

Evaluator's Name:__________________________________ Attempt no.:________

                                                                     PROCESS EVALUATION

(EVALUATOR NOTE: Place a check mark in the "Yes" or "No" blanks to designate whether or not the student has satisfactorily achieved each step in this procedure. All items listed under "Process Evaluation" must receive a "Yes" for the student to receive the 20 points for this practicum.)

The student:                                                                                        Yes                 No

1. Prepared ice bath                                                                          _____             _____
2. Removes scales as required                                                            _____             _____
3. Cleaned gut and gill cavities properly                                              _____             _____
4. Placed fish in ice bath                                                                     _____             _____
5. Packaged, weighed and labeled fish   (date and weight)                  _____             _____
6. Properly discarded waste and cleaned equipment                           _____             _____

Evaluator' s comments:___________________________________________________________________________

                                                                   PRODUCT EVALUATION

(EVALUATOR NOTE: Rate the student on the following criteria by circling the appropriate numbers (See perfomance evaluation key below.) Add up the total numbers circled and enter the total score from this page in the space provided below.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________


Scrubbing                 Complete                 Acceptable                Poor                Unacceptable
and Gutting                    4                                3                            2                            1
Product                       Neat                      Acceptable               Poor               Unacceptable
Preparation                    4                                3                            2                           1

Packaging and           Complete                 Acceptable               Fair                Unacceptable
Weighing                       4                               3                            2                           1

EVALUATOR'S COMMENTS____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                             PERFOMANCE EVALUATION KEY

                                                                              4 -- Skilled
                                                                              3 --Moderately skilled
                                                                              2 -- Limited skill
                                                                              1 -- Unskilled

Total Points from this page:_________

Add 20 only if all "Yes" boxes are checked on previous page: _________

Total Score: _________