AUTOGRAPHS WORK SHEET Instructions Select any ten of the following items by placing an X in front of each of your choices. During the autograph-seeking session you will be interviewing people to find one person who fits each of the ten categories or conditions that you have selected. You will then obtain that person's autograph in the appropriate space. You must have a different autograph for each of the ten items. _____ 1. Thinks the President is doing a good job _____ 2. Born under my astrological sign _____ 3. Prefers to work alone _____ 4. Likes liver _____ 5. Reads poetry _____ 6. Looks attractive to me _____ 7. Has a female boss _____ 8. Lives alone _____ 9. Might be intimidating to me _____10. Believes in magic _____11. Enjoys gardening _____12. Is new to his or her work _____13. Appears to be friendly _____14. Manages others _____15. Advocates openness _____16. Plays a musical instrument _____17. Works on weekends _____18. Enjoys competition _____19. Sleeps in a waterbed _____20. Drives a sports car The 1980 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators