What is Leadership?

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona



WELL PREPARED - Know leadership takes work as well as practice.

GROUP MINDED - Regard yourself as a part of the group. Say "we" instead of "I"; don’t try to run the crowd. Instead, be guided by the crowd’s wishes.

LIKES PEOPLE - Be understanding and friendly.

POISED - Don’t let irritations bother you.

HAS HUMILITY - Be confident, but not cocky. Don’t be afraid to reveal you don’t know everything.

IS A HARD WORKER - Don’t ask anyone to do something that you would not be willing to do yourself.

RESPONSIBLE - Live up to your word and duties.

COOPERATIVE - Know how to work with others and enjoy working with them.

FUN-LOVING - Enjoy life - the simple things as well as the big.

HAS VISION - Help the persons in your group to learn and grow through the activities.

CLEAR - Be able to express yourself effectively.

PROUD - Proud of what you do. Take pride in being a leader, but earn it.

NEAT - Always be neat in dress and personal appearance.

COURTEOUS - The words "please" and "thank you" pay dividends. Use them often.

THINKS AHEAD - Know members’ opinions and be ready to meet changing situations.

SETS GOALS - Make them high but attainable.

TAKES ADVICE - But do your own thinking.

GETS THE FACTS - Analyze them before you draw conclusions.

DOES THEIR BEST - At all times. Plan to make the most effective use of your time.



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Syllabus  Written Assignments  Outside Lab Assignments  What is Leadership?  Self Concept   Parliamentary Procedure  Leadership Ideas  Win/Lose   Power  What is an Advisor?  What is a Program of Activities?  Effective Youth Organizations  Selecting/Electing Officers  Officer Guidelines

Send questions about this website to Denise Davies at ddavies@ag.arizona.edu.   For course information or questions not included in these pages contact Dr. James Knight. Copyright (c) 1998 Department of Agricultural Education, The University of Arizona.  Website version 1.2, last updated on Thursday, August 16, 2001.