What is Leadership?

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona



We sojourned into Egypt, I and Keturah, and we rode on donkeys and we also rode on camels. Now, of all the beasts that ever were made, the camel is the most ungainly and preposterous and, also, the most picturesque. And he taketh himself very seriously.

And we beheld a string of five camels that belonged in one caravan, and they were tethered every one to the camel in front of him. But the foremost of the camels had a halter that was tied to the saddle of a donkey.

And I spoke to the man of Arabia who had the camels, and asked of him how he managed it.

And he said, "Each camel follows the one in front and asks no questions. And I come after and prod up the last camel."

And I said, "Does not the first camel consider that there is no camel in front of him, but only a donkey?"

And he answered, "Nay, for the first camel is blind, and knoweth only that there is a pull upon his halter. Every other camel followeth as he is led, and I prod up the hindermost."

And I inquired, "How about the donkey?"

And he said, "The donkey is too stupid to do anything but keep straight on, and he hath often been over the road."

And I said to Keturah, "Behold a picture of human life. For in this fashion have the processions of the ages largely been formed. For there be few men who ask otherwise than how the next in front is going, and they blindly follow, each in the track of those who have gone before."

And Keturah said, "But how about the leader?"

And I said, "That is the profoundest secret of history; for often he who seemed to be the leader was really behind the whole procession, and at the head was nothing more sensible than a donkey. "

And Keturah said, "That is a pessimistic interpretation of human life. "

And I said, "The fools make the fashions, and the wise men follow them."

And she said, "It must be fun to be the donkey."

And I said, "He is so happy to carry no load, but to hold up one end of the halter rope of the first camel, that he cloth laugh a great haw-haw at the folly of the whole world except himself."

And this was a little severe; but I have mourned the lack of wise leadership among men, and the string of camels led by an ass is worth a moment's sober thought. For so long as the world is content with the leadership that cloth guide the fashions in clothes, and politics, and much besides, the donkey will not want for lack of occupation.



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Send questions about this website to Denise Davies at ddavies@ag.arizona.edu.   For course information or questions not included in these pages contact Dr. James Knight. Copyright (c) 1998 Department of Agricultural Education, The University of Arizona.  Website version 1.2, last updated on Thursday, August 16, 2001.