
A short writing assignment is due each class meeting except 26 August, 2 September, 9 September, 30 September, and 9 December: Respond to the following statement or write and respond to your own question with a 200-word essay: Describe the most important thing you learned from this week's educational materials (discussions, readings, trip to detention facility) and tell (1) why it is important to you and (2) how you can apply it to your life.

A "long" writing assignments is due 2 September and 9 December. Analyze sustainability within the Tucson basin; within your 400-word description, define sustainability. Use no references for the paper due 2 September; use data and citations for the paper due 9 December.

The grade of each assignment will be based on knowledge of the subject and ability to appropriately convey that knowledge. Each paper must be interesting, well organized, and grammatically correct. In addition, it must employ appropriate English usage. Assignments will be blind-graded in an attempt to treat students fairly.

One copy of each writing assignment must be submitted promptly at the beginning of each class period. Late submissions will not receive credit. Each assignment must be typed, double-spaced in 12-point font, on white paper with 1-inch margins.

Students are encouraged to share intellectual views and discuss freely the principles and applications of course materials. However, graded assignments must be the product of independent effort. Students must adhere to The University of Arizona Code of Academic Integrity.

With a group to be assigned by course instructors, you will assess sustainability of the UA campus. The group will present results of this assessment to the class on 30 September. Your presentation will be restricted to 10 minutes. You are strongly encouraged to use effective visual aids and poetry for this presentation.

In addition to graded assignments, we will exchange ungraded poetry with students at Pima Vocational High School, Pima County's juvenile detention facility, and the Pima County jail. In addition to writing poetry during some class sessions, you will have opportunities to interact with students from all three locations.