
Graduate Take-Home Exam

  1. Develop and briefly describe an advertising campaign for the Endangered Species Act. [300 words or fewer; 10 points]
In-Class Exam

  1. What is the relation between science and the humanities, and how is it important for human welfare? [12 points]

  2. Whose model of succession (i.e., vegetation dynamics) is implied by the use of habitat types and range sites? [3 points] What model has largely replaced this earlier model? [3 points]

  3. Differentiate between clearcutting and deforestation. [3 points] Provide an example of each practice. [4 points]

  4. List 6 steps that can be used to increase biological diversity in communities managed for multiple uses. [6 points] Relate two of the steps to the four spikes we discussed throughout the semester. [6 points]

  5. Describe, with a specific example, how a vegetation manager could contribute to a strong, reciprocal link between either a scientist or a policy-maker. [4 points]

  6. List two factors that limit the use of sustainable products (such as, for example, solar power and locally grown organic food)? [4 points] Describe ways to overcome the constraints you identify. [6 points]

  7. List and briefly describe the three most important items or concepts you learned in this class. In your response, indicate why these items are particularly important for management of natural resources. [9 points]

  8. (Group question) What do you believe is the single most important attribute a natural resource manager can possess? Defend your choice. [6 points]