Monument Valley

Managing succession

Lecture graphics

We usu. do not manage for late-successional ("climax") vegetation for several reasons:

  1. we usu. do not know what it is (they are?), for any particular site

    historical records are poor

    photos and vegetation sampling started after large- scale disturbances

  2. other communities may be desirable

  3. late-successional communities are not necessarily more stable than mid- or early-successional ones

  4. rate and path of succession depend on soil properties

    therefore, mgmt. activities which influence soil properties --> altered successional pathways

    return to late-successional veg. may not occur over time frames relevant to mgmt.

  5. the concept of single-equilibrium communities that progress steadily toward "climax" as a function of disturbance does not apply in many communities

    alternative steady states exist

    stochastic events influence rate and path of succession

    discontinuous and irreversible transitions exist

We can find many situations in which the successional stage desired by land managers is different than that currently found --> attempts to manipulate ("manage" succession)

Forests: any properly-used silvicultural system represents an attempt to hasten or retard succession

simplest system (clearcut): returns forest to pioneer stage; early-successional spp. typically grow faster than late- successional ones

partial cuts: retain seed source on site --> accelerated establishment of early- successional trees

selection systems (uneven-aged stand mgmt): retain seed source and site protection (from existing trees)

pioneer hardwoods: weeds?

Tropical dry forest (Guanacaste National Park, Costa Rica):

multi-storied forest has been converted to savanna or grassland via timber harvest and conversion to pastures for livestock grazing

fire frequency has increased --> positive feedback of grassland --> grassland

"natural" rate of succession to tropical dry forest would be very slow because of frequent fires and long distance to seed source of woody plants

Janzen et al. have been trying to "speed up" succession by:

  1. reducing fire frequency (active suppression program and cattle grazing --> fuel decrease)

  2. encouraging dispersal and establishment of woody plants

    cattle grazing --> grass inteference decrease

    cattle fed woody plant seeds

    active enforcement of anti-poaching laws --> sustained populations of native seed dispersers

    planting seedlings in pasture centers

Rangelands: control of woody plants

recognize that woody plants are not necessarily detrimental, even if a mgmt. goal is herb production

reduction in herb production may be minimal or non-existent, depending on spp. and site

even if woody plants reduce herb production, removal of woody plants may provide only short- term response by herbs

may not be cost-effective

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