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Bt Cotton Team

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Growing Bt Cotton in Arizona:
Regulations and Recommendations

Bt cotton is regulated by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a biopesticide, under the statutes of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIRFA). Use restrictions and regulations for plant-incorporated protectants, such as Bt cotton, are stipulated on the product label and are legal requirements with which users must comply. Monsanto has all users of Bt cotton sign contracts agreeing to conditions of use. In addition, we have formulated recommendations for responding to future Bt cotton resistance problems in Arizona. These are provided on this page, with the rationale for them being explained under the section Resistance Management.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regulations and Relevant Reports

Recommendations of the Arizona Bt Cotton Working Group and Arizona Cooperative Extension

Some relevant Monsanto pages

What follows is the Navigation bar and the footer.
Cotton Mainpage | Bt Cotton Mainpage | Background | Why Bt?
Resistance Management | Regulations | Contact Info | Publications | Site Map

document located at: http://cals.arizona.edu/crops/cotton/btcotton/
The Department of Entomology
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
The University of Arizona
Contact: BtCotton@ag.arizona.edu or Al Fournier (fournier@ag.arizona.edu)
All contents copyright ©2002 by Elizabeth Willott. All rights reserved.
Last update: Nov 14, 2003.