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Cooperative Extension
Weed Control (May 19, 2010)

Eptam (EPTC) can be used in combination with summer fallow to control both purple and yellow nutsedge. This treatment is a good option where heavy infestations of these weeds exist and summer fallow for a couple months or longer is feasible. This treatment involves creating a chemical tarp of Eptam in dry soil in the top 2 to 4 inches. It is important that the application is done properly and that the surface stays dry for this to work. Failures have occurred when the correct procedure is not followed. The procedure involves a preirrigation to stimulate nutsedge growth and create good subsurface moisture. Once the top 2 to 4 inches is dry, Eptam at a rate of 4pts./ac. is sprayed on and immediately incorporated into this dry layer of soil. It is helpful to leave the surface smooth with a tiller, pipe or some other method. Eptam is the most volatile herbicide we use in this area and any moisture will destroy this chemical barrier. With subsurface moisture the nutsedge will put rhizomes into this chemical layer and growth will be disrupted. More than 4 pts./ac. is unnecessary. The time period needed before planting a sensitive crop is 45 days.

Eptam Control of Nutsedge
Eptam Control of Nutsedge

To contact Barry Tickes go to:



For questions or comments on any of the topics please contact Marco Pena at the Yuma Agricultural Center.
College of Agriculture, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

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