The University of Arizona, College of Agriculture

Competitive Agricultural Systems in a Global Economy
Improved Marketing of Livestock


Livestock producers on the Hopi Indian Reservation need to improve marketing opportunities in order to gain additional supplemental income. The Hopi Reservation has about 50% unemployment.

What has been done?

A livestock preconditioning program was developed with a group of Hopi livestock producers. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Hopi Office and the Hopi Office of Veterinary Services provided information to the livestock producers, and also assisted in the development and implementation of the program. Twenty-nine head of steers were weighed at the local sales corral, then fed out at 3% of their body weight per day for 21 days. This was a lower number than the previous year due to heavy rains turning roads to mud, preventing ranchers from bringing in their livestock. Additionally, any steers with horn were dehorned. All received vaccinations for BVD and respiratory problems.


The gain in weight per steer was higher than expected; 60 pounds was average gained compared to 56 pounds from the feed program last year. Although financially the program did a little better than break even due to low cattle prices, the most important impact was change in attitude on the part of the Hopi livestock producers. They funded this project out of their own pockets, putting out nearly $600.00 for feed and veterinary services. They also worked to bring in new buyers who were looking for pre-conditioned steers. Two new buyers were present at the sale. Seven individuals, representing three families, participated in the program.


In-kind support from Cooperative Extension
In-kind support from Hopi Office of Veterinary Services
In-kind support from the Polacca Stock Grower Association
Monetary support from participating livestock producers.


Matthew Livingston, Assistant Agent - ANR/4HYD
University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
Hopi Office, P.O. Box 1203
Keams Canyon, AZ 86034
Tel:(520) 734-3644, Fax:(520) 734-2331

This report is one of 29 impact statements submitted by the University of Arizona College of Agriculture to the USDA's 1999 CSREES Science and Education Impacts database in Washington, D.C. An impact statement is a brief summary, in lay terms, of the economic, environmental and/or social impact of a land-grant program. It states accomplishments and their payoff to society.
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