Apache 1(A1)

Description of Site: This site is the closest within the lake to  the inflow from Roosevelt Dam and is the most representative of the riverine zone.
GPS Coordinates: 330 40.02 N   1110 10 .21 W

Physico-chemical Parameters
Time Depth (m) Temp (C) pH SpCond. Salinity (ppt) D.O. (% sat) D.O. (mg/l) Turbidity (NTU's)
1511:43 0 13.90 8.43 1405 0.7 87.5 8.98 6.0
1511:25 -1.1 12.49 8.34 1375 0.7 80.4 8.51 8.2
1511:02 -2.9 11.99 8.30 1355 0.7 79.1 8.47 9.9

Depth (m) Ammonia (mg/l) Nitrate (mg/l) TKN (mg/l) Ortho P (mg/l) Total P (mg/l) Sulfate (mg/l) Chloride (mg/l)
-0.5 0 0.21 2.5 ND 0.09 67.8 416

Depth (m) Dissolved Fe (mg/l) Dissolved Mn (mg/l) Total Fe (mg/l) Total Mn (mg/l) Silica (mg/l) TSS Chl a (mgm3) Pheophytin a (mg/m3)
-0.5 0.033 0.018 0.21 0.05 18.4 4 1.58 1.092

Secchi Depth: 1.28  meters

0  meters
Division Genus Units/mL
Cyanophyta Aphanothece 240
Cyanophyta Thabdoderma 640
Cyanophyta Gloeocapsa 240
Cyanophyta Merismopedia 160
Euglenophyta Euglena 1360
Euglenophyta Phacus 160
Chlorphyta Chlorella 800
Chlorophtya Dictyosphaerium 80
Chlorphyta Coccomonas 400
Chlorophyta Ulothrix 160
Chlorophyta Crucigenia 80
Chrysophyta Diatoma 80
Chrysophtya Melosira 160
Chrysophyta Navicula 240


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