Bartlett 2 (B2)

Description of Site: This site is just South of Verde Head and Northeast of Rattlesnake Cove. It is most representative of the transitional zone.
GPS Coordinates: 33050.91 N   1110 37.06 W


Physico-chemical Parameters
Time Depth (m) Temp (C) DO (ppm) DO (%sat) pH SpCond. Salinity (ppt) Turbidity (NTU's)
1126:05 -0.1 22.65 9.63 111.8 8.47 579 0.3 0
1124:45 -6.5 19.35 7.69 83.6 8.22 544 0.3 3.8
1117:58 -21.3 13.28 2.29 22.0 7.68 505 0.3 59.7

Depth (m) Ammonia (mg/l) Nitrate (mg/l) TKN (mg/l) Ortho-P (mg/l) Total P (mg/l) Sulfate (mg/l) Chloride (mg/l)
-0.1 0 0.16 1 ND 0.22 53.8 31.5
-6.5 0 0.15 1 ND 0.15 59.2 23.2
-21.3 0.05 0.0 0 ND 0.11 0.0 24.8

Depth (m) Dissolved Fe (mg/l) Dissolved Mn (mg/l) Total Fe (mg/l) Total Mn (mg/l) Silica (mg/l) TSS Chl a (mg/m3) Pheophytin a (mg/m3)
-0.1 0 0 0.074 0 20.0 0 1.948 1.18
-6.5 0.013 0 0.068 0 19.4 0 1.912 1.276
-21.3 0.056 0.012 0.33 0.022 20.2 10.2 ----------------- -----------------

  Results from 3/15/00