Bartlett 2 (B2)

Description of Site: This site is just South of Verde Head and Northeast of Rattlesnake Cove. It is most representative of the transitional zone.
GPS Coordinates: 33050.91 N   1110 37.06 W


Physico-chemical Parameters
Time Depth (m) Temp (C) DO (ppm) DO (%sat) pH SpCond. Salinity (ppt) Turbidity (NTU's)
0956:06 -0.1 24.51 5.69 70.6 9.12 596 0.3 4.7
0955:47 -2.2 24.33 5.57 68.8 9.11 594 0.3 4.9
0955:29 -4.0 24.32 5.54 68.5 9.10 593 0.3 5.6
0955:11 -5.9 24.30 5.49 67.8 9.09 594 0.3 5.8
0954:55 -7.6 24.29 5.43 67.0 9.07 592 0.3 5.5
0954:39 -9.4 24.24 5.45 67.3 9.06 593 0.3 5.4

Depth (m) Ammonia (mg/l) Nitrate (mg/l) TKN (mg/l) Ortho-P (mg/l) Total P (mg/l) Sulfate (mg/l) Chloride (mg/l)
0 0.18 ND 0.033 ND 0.96 60.0 25.7
-9.4 0.11 ND 0.68 ND 0.03 60.1 25.4

Depth (m) Dissolved Fe (mg/l) Dissolved Mn (mg/l) Total Fe (mg/l) Total Mn (mg/l) Silica (mg/l) TSS Chl a (mg/m3) Pheophytin a (mg/m3)
-0.1 0 0 0.058 0 19 7 2.16 1.392
-9.4 0 0 0.077 0 20 0 2.744 1.78

Secchi Depth: 0.56 m

-0.1 meters
Division Genus Units/ml
Cyanophyta Anabaenopsis 240
Chlorophyta Polytoma 240
Chlorophyta Thoracomonas 160
Chlorophyta Crucigenia 720
Chrysophyta Diatoma 320
Chrysophyta Nitzchia 160
Chrysophyta Synedra 640

 Results from 9/8/99