Roosevelt/Tonto 1 (RT1)

Description of Site: This site is the closest within the lake to the inflow of Tonto Creek. It is the most representative of the riverine zone of Tonto Creek.
GPS Coordinates: 35 35.40 N. 1060 21.75 W


Physico-chemical Parameters
Time Depth (m) Temp (C) DO (ppm) pH SpCond. Turbidity (NTU's) Secchi Depth (m)
1202:41 -0.1 12.52 9.21 8.38 1159 0 0.03

Salinity (ppt) Ammonia (mg/l) Nitrate (mg/l) Ortho P (mg/l) Total P (mg/l) Sulfate (mg/l) Dissolved Fe (mg/l) Total Fe (mg/l) Dissolved Mn (mg/l)
0.6 0.07 0.14 ND 0.14 60 0.088 1.4 0.14

Total Mn (mg/l) Chloride (mg/l) Silica (mg/l) TSS TKN (mg/l) Chl a (mg/m3) Pheophytin a (mg/m3)
0.3 328 18.4 24.0 2.5 4.1 2.77

Division Genus Units/ml
Chlorophyta Spondylosium 320
Chlorophyta Chlamydomonas 960
Chlorophyta Polytoma 1040
Chlorophyta Platymonas 720
Chlorophyta Characiochloris 160
Chlorophyta Haematococcus 80
Chrysophyta Navicula 240
Chrysophyta Synedra 240
Chrysophyta Pinnularia 320
Euglenophyta Phacus 480
Euglenophyta Euglena 320
Cyanophyta Anabaena 80
Pyrrophyta Gymnodinium 1360

 Results from 1/10/00