Saguaro 1 (S1)

Description of Site: This site is the closest within the lake to  the inflow from Mormon Flat Dam and is the most representative of the riverine zone.
GPS Coordinates: 330 35.38 N   1110 27.18  W


Physico-chemical Parameters
Time Depth (m) Temp (C) pH SpCond Salinity (ppt) D.O. (% sat) D.O. (mg/l) Turbidity (NTU's)
853:55 -0.7 22.27 8.2 1305 0.7 50.8 4.25 10.9
853:13 -1.2 22.3 8.19 1305 0.7 50.7 4.27 7.7
853:00 -2.6 22.28 8.19 1304 0.7 50.9 4.27 9.7
852:38 -3.3 22.27 8.18 1304 0.7 50.8 4.26 9

Depth (m) Ammonia (mg/l) Nitrate (mg/l) TKN (mg/l) Ortho P (mg/l) Total P (mg/l) Sulfate (mg/l) Chloride (mg/l)
-0.7 0.13 0 0.72 0 0.046 57 310

Depth (m) Dissolved Fe (mg/l) Dissolved Mn (mg/l) Total Fe (mg/l) Total Mn (mg/l) Silica (mg/l) TSS Chl a (mg/m3) Pheophytin a (mg/m3)
-0.7 0 0 0.093 0.041 15 0 0.54 0.536

Secchi Depth: 1.7 meters

-0.7 m
Division Genus Units/ml
Chlorophyta Ankistrodesmus 80
Cyanophyta Holopedium 320
Chlorophyta Crucigenia 80
Chlorohpyta Coccomonas 160
Euglenophyta Trachelomonas 160
Chlorophyta Chlorella 80

 Results from 8/25/99