Flora of the Pinaleņo Mountians

Photo by Ron Smallwood UAPD
Silene lacianata Photo by Steve McLaughlan
Lathyrus graminifolia Photo by Steve Mclaughlan

The following list is orgainzed into four major taxa:

The list does not include subspecies, species varieties and identification of exotic species.  If interested, please refer to the following articles from which this list has been adapted.

S. P. McLaughlin. 1993. Additions to the Flora of the Pinaleño Mountains, Arizona. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science. (1) 5-31.

W. T. Johnson. 1988. Flora of the Pinaleño Mountains, Graham County, Arizona. Desert Plants 8(4) 147-192.

PTEROPHYTA (Ferns and Fern Allies)

PINOPHYTA (gymnosperms)


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If you have any questions or comments please email us at: RSMP@ag.arizona.edu