Water Quality Programs/Activities


Name of Program/Location/Point of Contact:

Greenlee County Cooperative Extension
Michael Schneider, County Director
HCR Box 60
Duncan, Arizona 85534
(928) 359-2261
email: mikeschn@ag.arizona.edu

Description of Program:

Two Weeks of Water Curriculum: Greenlee County has conducted water education using the Two Weeks of Water curriculum, mainly targeting all 4th graders in Clifton and Duncan schools. The curriculum consists of 10 lessons: 5 dealing with water quality and 5 with water conservation and includes numerous hands-on activities.

Audience: The Two Weeks of Water curriculum is for 3rd and 4th grade students and in Greenlee County was used to target 4th graders in Clifton and Duncan Schools.

Current Status: The program is inactive due to staffing difficulties and 4-H related priorities.

Impacts: Encouraged teachers to emphasize water resource education as part of their science curriculum.

Lessons Learned: Direct communication with the teachers and a free copy of the curriculum provided enough incentive to interest teachers in this program.

Curriculum/supplies list: Contact Michael Schneider

  • Two Weeks of Water Curriculum by Kim Gressley Pinal County 4-H Youth Development and Catherine Williams Gila County
  • Games and videos that are available to teachers for in-classroom use.

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