Water Quality Programs/Activities


Name of Program/Location/Point of Contact:

Santa Cruz County Cooperative Extension
Dean Fish, County Director
3241 N. Grand Avenue, Suite 6
Nogales, AZ 85621-3917
(520) 281-2994
e-mail: dfish@ag.arizona.edu

At this time there are no programs focusing on water resources education. County Director Dean Fish sees a definite need for programs that focus on Youth Development (K-8) and their understanding of water issues in Santa Cruz County. He sees a need for studies in the following areas:

  1. water quantity (currently the Friends of the Santa Cruz River monitors river flows),
  2. how to feed and water available cattle,
  3. how water tanks work and their value in water management,
  4. development of an International Wastewater Treatment Plant,
  5. water quality for residential and environmental uses, and
  6. water conservation and pollution.

Other ideas include:

  1. High school students taught to mentor their classmates and the community in Water Conservation and Natural Resource Preservation.
  2. A Low Water Use Demonstration Garden located at the County Complex.
  3. There are at least ten elementary schools, three middle schools, and three high schools in Santa Cruz County that could benefit from a Youth Development Program.

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