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Jordan Activities 2006-2007






A report was submitted to the Badia by RSS-ERC titled "The Required Bio-Solids Laboratory Training Workshop" Drs. Chuck Gerba, Janick Artiola, and Akrum Tamimi participated in this workshop and a Bio-solids Manual for Reuse and Disposal: Regulations, Sampling and Analysis, and Management Guidelines was developed.
(pdf format)

A final report was submitted by the Water Quality Studies Division, Environmental Research Center of the Royal Scientific Society on "Bio-Solids Application for Improving Soil Fertility and Crop Production in Jordan" June, 2007. . (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XX, July, August, September, prepared by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of the BRDC. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XIX, April, May, June, 2007, prepared by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of the BRDC. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XVIII January-March, 2007, prepared by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of the BRDC. (pdf format)

An "Operational Manual for Best Management Practices of Sludge and Bio-Solids in Jordan was prepared and submited by RSS-ERC in May, 2007. This proposal is aimed at developing an operational manual for managing sludge and bio-solids. It is hoped it will help in improving bio-solids management practices at the wastewater treatment plants. (pdf format)

Quarterly Report XVII October-December, 2006, prepared by Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash of the BRDC. (pdf format)