Santa Rita Experimental Range
Repeat Photography

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Photo Station #181

MAR381_1 MAR 1938 1

Photo Archive No. 181.1.1938.03.1

C-222. P.S. 181. Study Area #133, NW corner, 18 inch contour furrow area. Grass density not over 0.02, badly depleted. Photo just prior to trenching. See C-267. 3/10/38. 301.

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MAR381_2 MAR 1938 1

Photo Archive No. 181.1.1938.03.2

C-267. P.S. 181. Study Area #133. Northwest corner of 18 inch contour furrow area. See C-222. 3/28/38. 301.

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181_1_2021_03 MAR 2021 1

Photo Archive No. 181.1.2021.03

PS. 181. 12 March 2021. 11:56 am. Facing southeast, Azimuth 150. Pasture 2SW. Elevation 1121 m. ISO 160, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present, camera above. Photographs taken 2000-2015 showed the Witness in the view. This image repeats the original view established in 1938 by placing the camera above the Witness. Mesquite alive. Some burroweed and snakeweed. Other small shrubs are Calliandra and velvet pod mimosa at witness and near prickly pear right midground. Lehmann lovegrass is dominant grass, also find black grama, threeawn, cane beardgrass, cottontop, tanglehead, bush muhly, and Setaria. Under larger mesquites find cottontop, bush muhly and Setaria. Rocks on surface were likely results of contour plowing in 1938. Large tree in left midground is present in 1938 photograph. Compared to 181.2.2015, following very dry and hot conditions between July 2020 and March 2021, very little grass production in summer 2020 and very little green grass present now; snakeweed decrease; new cholla plant in midground center; lost tanglehead and cane beardgrass. M. McClaran photographer, A. Gorlier assistant.

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NOV20001 NOV 2000 2

Photo Archive No. 181.2.2000.11

PS 181. November 21, 2000, 11:00 a.m. Facing southeast. Pasture 2S. ASA 125 Plus X film. 35mm lens focal length. Witness present in picture as in 1938. For this image set starting in 2000, the camera is above a white painted rebar at location of camera which is ~5 m north of witness post. About 200 paces west of road 486. Rocks on soil surface following 1938 root-plowing. Eragrostis lehmanniana is dominant grass; snakeweed dominant shrub. Scattered burroweed; Muhlenbergia porteri under larger mesquites. M. McClaran.

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181_2_2007_03 MAR 2007 2

Photo Archive No. 181.2.2007.03

PS. 181. 23 March 2007. Facing southeast, Azimuth 150. Pasture 2SW. Elevation 1120 m. ISO 100, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Digital Camera. Witness present in picture as in 1938. Witness present in picture as in 1938. For this image set starting in 2000, the camera is above a white painted rebar at location of camera which is ~5 m north of witness post. Mesquite alive, some dead of burroweed and snakeweed. Other small shrubs are Calliandra and velvet pod mimosa at witness and near prickly pear right midground. Prickly pear and at distant find small cholla. Small Lehmann lovegrass dominate open areas and black grama plants near witness. Under larger mesquites find cottontop, bush muhly and Setaria. Cloudy conditions. Compared to 2000, less burroweed, more prickly pear now. M. McClaran photographer, no assistant.

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181_2_2009_03 MAR 2009 2

Photo Archive No. 181.2.2009.03

PS. 181. 17 March 2009. Facing southeast, Azimuth 150. Pasture 2SW. Elevation 1121 m. ISO 100, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Digital Camera. Witness present in picture as in 1938. For this image set starting in 2000, the camera is above a white painted rebar at location of camera which is ~5 m north of witness post. Mesquite alive, some burroweed and snakeweed. Other small shrubs are Calliandra and velvet pod mimosa at witness and near prickly pear right midground. At distant find small cholla that is not in photograph. Lehmann lovegrass dominant grass, the same black grama plants near witness as in 2007. Under larger mesquites find cottontop, bush muhly and Setaria. Rock on surface were likely results of contour plowing in 1938. Large tree in left midground is present in 1938 photograph. Compared to 2007, more cottontop increased. M. McClaran photographer, A. Peterson assistant.

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181_2_2015_03 MAR 2015 2

Photo Archive No. 181.2.2015.03

PS. 181. 18 March 2015. 11:39 am. Facing southeast, Azimuth 150. Pasture 2SW. Elevation 1121 m. ISO 250, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present in picture as in 1938. For this image set starting in 2000, the camera is above a white painted rebar at location of camera which is ~5 m north of witness post. Mesquite alive, and leaves emerging. Some burroweed and snakeweed. Other small shrubs are Calliandra (flowering) and velvet pod mimosa at witness and near prickly pear right midground. Lehmann lovegrass dominant grass, also find black grama, Boer’s lovegrass, threeawn, cane beardgrass, cottontop, tanglehead, bush muhly, and Setaria. Under larger mesquites find cottontop, bush muhly and Setaria. Rocks on surface were likely results of contour plowing in 1938. Large tree in left midground is present in 1938 photograph. Compared to 2009, prickly pear decrease, snakeweed increase, and added tanglehead and cane beardgrass species. M. McClaran photographer, K. Hawkes assistant.

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181_2_2021_03 MAR 2021 2

Photo Archive No. 181.2.2021.03

PS. 181. 12 March 2021. 11:19 am. Facing southeast, Azimuth 150. Pasture 2SW. Elevation 1121 m. ISO 160, 35mm focal length, Canon 5D Mark II Digital Camera. Witness present in picture as in 1938. For this image set starting in 2000, the camera is above a white painted rebar at location of camera which is ~5 m north of witness post. Mesquite alive. Some burroweed and snakeweed. Other small shrubs are Calliandra and velvet pod mimosa at witness and near prickly pear right midground. Lehmann lovegrass is dominant grass, also find black grama, threeawn, cane beardgrass, cottontop, tanglehead, bush muhly, and Setaria. Under larger mesquites find cottontop, bush muhly and Setaria. Rocks on surface were likely results of contour plowing in 1938. Large tree in left midground is present in 1938 photograph. Compared to 2015, following very dry and hot conditions between July 2020 and March 2021, very little grass production in summer 2020 and very little green grass present now; snakeweed decrease; new cholla plant in midground center; lost tanglehead and cane beardgrass. M. McClaran photographer, A. Gorlier assistant.

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Last updated - December 2021
Mitchel McClaran -