Nov. 26 Aquatic Herbicides - Used in agriculture, water systems, and lakes. List of approved herbicides for control of algae and aquatic plants: 1. Copper Sulfate and Chelated Copper - Cutrine and Cutrine Plus are common brands, this is the oldest chemical method. Chelated means that the copper is bound to an organic molecule, this changes the solubility and alkalinity of the chemical. Control by chemical methods is very dependent on the waters alkalinity. Copper Sulfate is the best control for algae. 2. 2-4-D - good for the removal of emergent plants such as rushes. This chemical has variable removal days. 3. Diquat - Reward is a brand name. Diquat is good for the removal of algae, floating weeds, and submerged plants. 14 removal days are needed. 4. Endothall - an organic acid used for the removal of algae and submerged plants. Common brand names are Hydrothol and Aquathol. 7-25 removal days are needed. This is a form of control used by SRP in their canal systems. 5. Fluridone - this herbicide is slow acting, it is picked up by the roots and translocated into plants. A brand name is Sonar which is good for the removal of floating weeds, emergents, and submergents. 0 days are needed for drinking, but 30 for irrigation. 6. Simazine - a long lasting herbicide for algae and floating weeds. Aquazine is a brand that is okay for fish consumption, and has a removal period of 365 days. 7. Glyphosate - Rodeo is a brand that is good for the removal of emergents and has 0 removal days. It is important to always read the label, and follow directions exactly. the EPA sets the standards for removal days and application rates. Removal days apply to swimming, drinking, irrigating, and animal usage. It is best to apply herbicides in the spring, this is when the water is cooler and plants are smaller. three types of application are discussed, surface acre treatment, acre-foot, and part per million. It is also suggested to treat in quarters to test the chemicals effect. An applicators license may be needed. It is good to try management control first, for example dry down to keep plants from the edges of a lake, and then go in and treat spots in the middle with chemicals.