List of Authors R

Author Paper title Pages Link Session
R. A. Reyes Development of Tilapia for Saline Water in the Philippines.  Pages 463-478  Full paper  |  Presentation Brackishwater
R. C. Gonzales Development of Tilapia for Saline Water in the Philippines.  Pages 463-478  Full paper  |  Presentation Brackishwater
R. Charlie Shultz Intensive Tank Culture of Tilapia with a Suspended, Bacterial-Based, Treatment Process  Pages 584-596  Full paper  |  Presentation Pond Management
R. Charlie Shultz Update on Tilapia and Vegetable Production in the UVI Aquaponic System  Pages 676-690  Full paper Presentation Regional Reviews
R.M. El-Gamal  Bacterial Causes of Fin Rot in Some Fresh Water Fishes  Pages 229  Full paper  |  Presentation Health
Rafael D. Guerrero III Brackishwater Culture of Tilapias in the Philippines: An Assessment.  Pages 421-425  Full paper  |  Presentation Brackishwater
Ramy Alon Effects of "Crytec" Liquid Ice Technology Treatments on the Shelf Life of Fresh Fish  Pages 723  Full paper Posters
Raul W. Ponzoni Selection for Live Weight in GIFT Strain of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)  Pages 42-52  Full paper  |  Presentation Genetics
Ray Joseph R. Badulis The Development of the Tail Kidney and Testis of Starved Genetically Male Tilapia (GMT) Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L.  Pages 724-732  Full paper Posters
Remedios B. Bolivar Effect of Methylene Blue and Sodium Chloride on the Bacterial Load in the Transport Water with Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) Fingerlings  Pages 188-198  Full paper  |  Presentation Health
Remedios B. Bolivar Effect of Stocking Sizes on the Yield and Survival of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) On-grown in Ponds  Pages 574-583  Full paper  |  Presentation Pond Management
Rodora M. Bartolome Effect of Aflatoxin-Contaminated Feeds in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.)  Pages 172-178  Full paper Presentation Health
Rogñon, Xavie Salinity Tolerance of Oreochromis niloticus and O. mossambicus F1 Hybrids and Their Successive Backcross  Pages 426-438  Full paper  |  Presentation  Brackishwater
Roselyn H. Tayaban Effect of Aflatoxin-Contaminated Feeds in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.)  Pages 172-178  Full paper Presentation Health
Rosemarie R. Calma Apoptosis in Ovarian Cells of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Chronically Exposed to Pyrethroid  Pages 222  Full paper  |  Presentation Health
Ruechuta Sethteethunyahan Recycling Wastewater of Intensive Hybrid Clarias Catfish Culture for Semi-intensive Nile Tilapia Culture  Pages  755-762  Full paper Posters