The University of Arizona 
Lesson Plan Basics
Department of Agricultural Education

Summer Class Notes
Last updated: July 13, 2001.

Ticket Out

To set background for this sample lesson, we will assume it has been developed for an animal science class that is learning about the basic anatomy of sheep.  This lesson promotes animal well-being and product quality through proper animal health practices.


AREA: Animal Science

UNIT: Livestock Health

ARIZONA COMPETENCY:  7.0 Apply Approved Practices of Animal Health

LESSON: # 5 Reading Drug Labels

NEED: Students raise a variety of animals. They need to know how to read and understand medication labels and the impact it has on their own animals. This lesson would be utilized in a block schedule allowing 90 minutes for class.


The students will be able to...

  1. interpret medication labels.
  2. describe the importance of complying with medication labels.
  3. describe the responsibility of the producer to the consumer.
  4. decribe the producer’s responsibility for the well-being of their animals.


Review sheep breeds briefly, then relate to Bobbie’s sick lamb.
Show large, oversized medication bottle (maybe made from a giant pickle jar).
This is your lead in interest approach.
Transitional questions:

What is this? Have you ever seen a smaller version up close? What do you remember about it? What kinds of information could you find on it?
John, would you help us use this example as we walk through the following steps?

Utilize overheads to include information on:

  1. Animal health and animal well-being
  2. A sound animal health program
  3. Avoiding residues for wholesome products
  4. Avoiding damage from injections (shots) and bruises
  5. Read and follow directions on medication labels
  6. Keep a written record of treatments
  7. Prescription drugs
  8. "Extra-label" drug use
  9. Responsibilities and obligations of the market animal producer


Beginning with the above interest approach, we would utilize discussion/notes to work our way through the basic information.  To view sample overheads for this lesson click on the  picture.    

A ten minute cooperative study technique would involve dividing the class into 3 groups. Each group would be allowed to use the provided references and their notes to answer the questions below. At the end of the ten minutes the groups would then become three teams.

An additional 15 minutes would be utilized for the playing of Jeopardy. At the end of time, the winning team would receive 5 bonus points on their weekly quiz. The 2nd place team 4 points and the 3rd place team 3 points.

QUESTIONS (To be used in supervised study, cooperative activities, games, reviews, etc.):

Looking at this bottle label:
What is the name of the product?
For which species and for what type of animal is this product approved?
For what uses is this product approved?
What is the proper dosage?
How should the product be administered (route of administration)?
Is there a withholding period?
What is the expiration date?
What storage directions are indicated?

ANALYSIS (answers to questions above):


For use in beef cattle, lactating and non-lactating dairy cattle, swine and sheep

Sheep: foot rot; pneumonia; mastitis; and other infections caused by or associated with hydrocillin susceptible organisms

2ml per 100 lb. Body weight once a day
Intramuscular in the muscle tissue of the neck
Milk must be held for 48 hours and drug discontinued for 30 days before slaughter.
Store between 2o and 8o C (36o and 46o F); Keep dry and away from light.


Teacher reviews, pulling out key points from the lesson.

Why are labels important?

Review parts of label.

Review new terms.

What are responsibilities of producers?


Students develop concluding statement regarding the day’s lesson. Utilize ticket out handout attached.   Click on ticket to see copy.       


For this lesson, students will be evaluated through a weekly quiz and the unit exam.


Ohio State University learning kit for Sheep
Agriscience Fundamentals and Applications, text
College notes


Giant bottle with labels created
Transparencies of lesson notes
Note pages handouts


Reading, measuring and understanding metric units of measurement.