The University of Arizona 
Lesson Plan Basics
Department of Agricultural Education

Summer Class Notes
Last updated: January 05, 2005.

Spring 2005 Daily Schedule


Date Topic Presenter
January 12,  (Wednesday) FFA History Franklin
January 14(Friday)

FFA--What's in it for me?/Opportunities

January 17 (Monday) Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday


January 19 (Wednesday) FFA--Program of Activities Franklin
January 21 (Friday) FFA--Parliamentary Procedure Franklin
January 24 (Monday)


January 26 (Wednesday) FFA--Your Role As An Advisor Franklin
January 28 (Friday) FFA Franklin
January 31 (Monday) FFA Franklin
February 2 (Wednesday) FFA Franklin
February 4 (Friday) Invitation to Teaching Agricultural Education


February 7 (Monday) Becoming familiar with the components of a complete program of agricultural education Knight 
February 9 (Wednesday) Creating and using a functional advisory committee for an agricultural education program Knight
February 11 (Friday)   Developing an extended service proposal for an agricultural education program Knight
February 14 (Monday) Building a total curriculum (4 years) for an agricultural education program at the secondary school level.
Identifying program areas and selecting competencies in the curriculum development process
February 16 (Wednesday) Developing the area, unit, and lessons to be taught in the curriculum.
February 18 (Friday) Determining when to teach the specific area competencies in the curriculum development process Knight


February 21 (Monday) Choosing an appropriate sequence for teaching competencies in the curriculum of an agricultural education program Knight
February 23 (Wednesday) Completing a course of study for an agricultural education program Knight
February 25 (Friday) Developing a process for utilizing student notebooks in the operation of an agricultural education program Knight
February 28 (Monday) Organizing a system for the day-to-day operation of an agricultural education program Knight
March 2 ( Wednesday) Supervised Experience:  Background Elliot
March 4 CDE Days Everyone
March 7 (Monday) Supervised Experience:  Just do it!!
March 9 (Wednesday) Introduction to the Arizona Record BookGuest Speaker: Dennis Bushong Elliot
March 11 (Monday) Supervised Experience:  The Visits Elliot
March 14-18, 2005 SPRING BREAK WEEK
March 21(Monday) Record Keeping:  Overview Elliot
March 23 (Wednesday) Record Keeping:  Planning Elliot
March 25 (Friday) Record Keeping:  Inventories Elliot
March 28 (Monday) Record Keeping:  Budgets & Entries


March 30 (Wednesday) Record Keeping:   Summaries & FFA Elliot
April 1 (Friday) Experiential Education Elliot
April 4 (Monday) Lesson Plans--The Teaching & Learning Process Foster
April 6 (Wednesday) Lesson Plans--Learning Styles & True Colors Foster
April 8 (Friday) Lesson Plans--The Creation Process Foster
April 11 (Monday) Lesson Plans--Objectives & Lesson Titles Foster
April 13 (Wednesday) Lesson Plans--Need & Introductions Foster
April 15 (Friday) Lesson Plans--Content & Methodologies Foster
April 18 (Monday) Overview of Cooperative Extension and 4-H Youth Development Lauxman
April 20 (Wednesday) Lesson Plans--Summaries & Conclusions Foster
April 22 (Friday) Lesson Plans--Construction Foster
April 25 (Monday) Learning by Doing--4_H YD Curriculum Lauxman
April 27 (Wednesday) Logic Models--Program Planning Success Lauxman
April 29(Friday) Positive Youth Development--Case Study Lauxman
May 3 (Monday) Lesson Plans-- Reference/Resources Foster
May 5 (Wednesday) Lesson Plans--Evaluation Foster
May 11 (Wednesday) Final Exam 8:00-11:00 AM

Last updated: January 05, 2005.

If you have any questions regarding this site, please contact:

Dr. Billye Foster
Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural Education
The University of Arizona
PO Box 210036
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0036