The University of Arizona 
Lesson Plan Basics
Department of Agricultural Education

Summer Class Notes
Last updated: December 17, 2001.


Based on the book Preparing Instruction Objectives (by Robert F. Mager), Dr. Knight reviewed objectives for us in class.  He noted that there were three basics points to remember when creating objectives.  If you use these points (and their questions) as a checklist you can determine if your objectives are communicating what you want them to.


1.  Is your main intent stated?

2.  If the main intent is covert (mental), is an indicator behavior stated?

3.  Is that indicator behavior the simplest and most direct one you can think of?


4.  Have you described what the learner will be given, or be deprived of, during performance of the objective?

5.  Have you describe all of the conditions that will influence the shape of the performance?


6.  Have you described how well the learner must perform to be acceptable?

7.  Do those criteria describe some aspect of the performance, or the product of the performance, rather than instruction process or meaningless percentages?

8.  Where a percentage is included in a criterion, does it reflect a realistic expectation?


He also noted that when the teacher remembered to check these three points, the objectives became a simple matter.

Last updated: December 17, 2001.

If you have any questions regarding this site, please contact:

Dr. Billye Foster
Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural Education
The University of Arizona
PO Box 210036
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0036