College of Agriculture & Life Sciences & Arizona State FFA Association

Career Development Event Field Day Committee

                       University of Arizona


Event Guidelines


University of Arizona CDE Day Event Format

1.      The CDE program is an activity of the College of Agriculture and the Arizona Association FFA. The events are planned and conducted by U of A faculty members and students from the departments of the college. The Department of Agricultural Education and Phi Chapter of Alpha Tau Alpha (national professional honorary agricultural education organization) serve as an overall coordinating group and conduct the program.

2.      Each teacher will be held responsible for correctly registering his/her students and distributing the correct participant number and/or materials to the properly registered student.

3.      Each teacher will be responsible for providing transportation for his/her students to and from the various events as indicated in the registration memo.

4.      Any chapter, whose students have inspected plants or livestock on the University farms or campus between January 1 and the CDE day, will not be eligible to enter teams in these events.  No phone contact will be permitted to university staff regarding events for the same period.

5.      Whenever possible each team will be divided so that no two members of any one team will be judging the same class at the same time.

6.      Members must stay with their group or be eliminated from the event. No placing card will be accepted after the close of the time allocated for each period.

7.      Students will not be allowed to use books, notes or writing paper during the event except that furnished or designated by the officials. They may, however, use writing boards.

8.      Individual and team achievement will be determined on a total point basis. High scoring individuals and teams in an event will be recognized in accordance with paragraph one of the awards section below. Where ties occur for team awards, they shall be broken by using the following practices:

a.                  the team with the greatest number of perfect placing

b.                  the team with the highest point individual

9.      While each event is in progress, there shall be no communication among the students, or between a student and anyone else, except in the presence of and with the permission of the official in charge of the event. Only participants, judges and officials will be allowed near the classes while the judging events are in progress. Violations by students or teachers will result in the disqualification of the entire team from the event.

10.   Judging Forms without the participant's number, the name of the class judged, and/or the final placing, will not be scored.

11.  A student can compete in only one of the twenty events at the CDE Day. The twenty events are: Ag. Business Management, Ag. Issues, Ag. Mechanics, Ag. Sales, Aquaculture, Creed Speaking, Dairy Management, Entomology, Field Crop Management, Food Science and Technology, Forestry, Horse Evaluation, Job Interview, Landscape Design, Livestock, Marketing Plan, Meats Evaluation, Nursery, Range Management, and Soils. 

12.  It is very desirable for instructors to duplicate the judging forms used in the various events (see copies in each section of this publication) and use these forms when giving students practice in judging. In previous years many participants have been eliminated through errors committed because of unfamiliarity with the judging forms. A sample of the regular placing card used in the majority of CDE's is found below.

13.  Since the educational value and the success of the CDE Day will depend upon the number of individuals participating in the different events, schools should enter as many events as possible.

14.  The deadline for submitting entries for the CDEs is announced by the State FFA Executive Secretary. Entries must be mailed to the Arizona Association FFA at the Arizona Department of Education, 1535 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85007.  If entries are postmarked after midnight of the announced deadline, teams will not be eligible to compete.  All Arizona agricultural education teachers will receive the entry forms electronically or by mail.

15.  Each chapter may list a maximum of twenty members (see sample registration form). A teacher may draw either from this pool to complete any team where a registered member was unable to attend, or another team may be broken up and these members used as substitutes.

16.  In NO CASE will a FFA member be permitted to participate whose name has not been submitted either as a team member, an alternate or an additional member.

17.  If a team or team member has not been identified for an event on the entry form, cards for that event will not be available the morning of the CDE event.

18.  The State FFA Advisor will confirm membership for the participants entered.


Appropriate recognition will be given according to four levels of achievement. These will be gold, silver, bronze and honorable mention classifications. Point totals will be used for selecting the following:

a.      The ten highest individuals in each event

b.      The ten highest teams in each event

Teams representing Arizona in any national or regional event will be selected from those receiving the gold emblem classification.

Leadership CDE Event Format

1.      The Leadership CDE program is an activity of the Arizona Association FFA. The events are planned and conducted by the U of A faculty members and the Arizona Association FFA.

2.      Each teacher will be held responsible for correctly registering his/her students.

3.      Each teacher will be responsible for providing transportation for his/her students to and from the event.

4.      Members must stay with their group or be eliminated from the event.

5.      Students will not be allowed to use books, notes or writing paper during the event except that furnished by the officials or specifically stated in the event rules.

6.      Individual and team achievement will be determined on a total point basis unless stated differently in event rules. Where ties occur for team awards, they shall be broken by using the following practices, unless stated differently in event rules:

a.                  the team with the greatest number of perfect placing

b.                  the team with the highest point individual

7.      While each event is in progress, there shall be no communication among the students, or between a student and anyone else, except in the presence of and with the permission of the official in charge of the event. Violations by students or teachers will result in the disqualification of the entire team from the event.

8.      The deadline for submitting entries for the U of A CDE is announced by the State FFA Executive Secretary. Entries must be mailed to the Arizona Association FFA at the Arizona Department of Education, 1535 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85007.  If entries are postmarked after midnight of the announced deadline, teams will not be eligible to compete.  All Arizona agricultural education teachers will receive the entry forms electronically or by mail.

9.      In NO CASE will a FFA member be permitted to participate whose name has not been submitted either as a team member, an alternate or an additional member.

10.  The State FFA Advisor will confirm membership for the participants entered.



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Last updated: December 14, 2004.