College of Agriculture & Life Sciences & Arizona State FFA Association

Career Development Event Field Day Committee

                       University of Arizona

Saturday Events

Event Registration - Meats Lab at Campus Ag Center on Saturday March 5, at 7:00 AM

Event Contest Location

Starting Time

Critique Time

Agricultural Business Management TBA 8:00 AM  
Agriculture Mechanics Agriculture Mechanics Lab 8:00 AM  
Aquaculture Environmental Research Lab 8:00 AM  
Dairy Management Dairy 8:00 AM

Following contest

Field Crops   8:00 AM  
Job Interview   8:00 AM  
Forestry   8:00 AM  
Livestock Part II   8:00 AM

Following contest

Nursery   8:00 AM  
Soils   10:00 AM  
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This website was created by Ed Franklin using FrontPage 2000
Last updated: December 14, 2004.