Heartwood rot in lemon trees has been observed for many years in lemon orchards in Yuma, Arizona.  Research begun in 1992 identified the causal agents. Two fungi were isolated, Coniophora eremophila Lindsey & Gilb. and Antrodia sinuosa (Fr.) P. Karst. This is the first report of these fungi infecting living trees.

 We are using GPS and GIS to map the incidence and severity of disease in Yuma orchards.

 Bigelow, D.M., Gilbertson, R.L., and Matheron, M.E. 1997. Cultural studies of fungi causing brown rot in heartwood of living lemon trees in Arizona. Mycol Res. 102(3) 257-262.

Bigelow, D. M. Matheron, M. E., and Gilbertson, R.L. 1996. Biology and control of Coniophora eremophila on lemon trees in Arizona. Plant Dis. 80:934-939.

Gilbertson, R.L., Matheron, M.E. and Bigelow, D.M. 1995. Biology and control of fungi causing decay in living citrus in Arizona. Citrus Research Report, Series P-101, College of Agriculture, University of Arizona, pp. 1-6.

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  Merritt Nelson at mrnelson@ag.arizona.edu
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