Step 2.  Creating point shapefiles.

We commonly use two different methods to create point shapefiles. 

Method 1.  Adding points directly in an ArcView view by pointing and clicking.  This method is usually required when points have been placed on a paper map in the field and we want to make a digital map.

Method 2.  Importing GPS or other tabular data that have been formatted as a dbase file (.dbf file) or as a text file into an ArcView table and creating a shapefile from the table. The table should contain point labels and coordinates.

Combining Methods.  We often import handheld GPS data using method 2 and then create a new final point shapefile using method 1.  The GPS points and the base maps guide the final positioning of the points.

Getting X and Y coordinates.  For geostatistical analyses, we need to know the X and Y coordinates for points in shapefiles created using Method 1.

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