Using GeoEAS to create a surface map

The GeoEAS file format.

Exploratory Data Analysis.

Choosing the Variogram Model.

Ordinary Kriging.

Viewing the Kriging output with the Postplot program.

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Even though GIS software in general has developed rapidly,  the development of geostatistical software within GIS has not kept pace.   GeoEAS is a program for GeoStatistical analysis that runs in a DOS window (a UNIX version is also available).  Because it can be downloaded without charge from several sites (an alternative site) and because it is relatively easy to use, we have continued with it for many years. 

This page and its links provide a step-by-step illustration of how GeoEAS was used in the Aspergillus flavus work without explaining the geostatistical theory. For more details on geostatistics, a variety of links and references are provided.

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