colorado river ground data
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Aerial Photos

The Basemap

Developing a GIS

IBWC Graphs

Ground Photos

Imaging Requirements

Developing a Basemap

Remote Sensing

Satellite Images

Techniques for Mapping

Vegetation Mapping

Ground-level data

   There is a need for understanding the vegetation structural properties of biomes to translate data acquired from a vegetation index to the biophysical parameter on the ground. Canopy reflectance and vegetation indices tend to vary across biomes, while green leaf optical properties remain very similar to one another regardless of species. Physiological and structural canopy parameters, such as phytomass, LAI, chlorophyll density or content, leaf angle distribution, inclination, plant water status, foliage cover, leaf morphology, species, vertical or lateral hetero/homogeneity, and high or low ground cover, affect the radiometric measurement.

   A natural resource inventory that includes the presence, class, distribution, and normal variation of plants and animals, and such important a-biotic components as water, soils, landforms, and climate is needed. Maps of geophysical features, water chemistry and air quality data should be gathered and evaluated. Data collected for each biome should contain a "core" set of data needed with acquisition of other, specialized inventories made for critical sites. There should be clearly defined protocols and quality assurance standards so that data will be compatible to allow for synthesis at ecosystem levels, and among researchers, and locations.

   It is important to keep an inventory of biological and geophysical natural resources and be able to maintain a database for monitoring the ecosystem status and recording trends over time at various spatial scales. It is recommended that a program/protocol for monitoring the delta should contain the following:

1. Natural resource studies that have occurred within a site's boundaries.

2. All historical records, maps, photographs, manuscripts, specimen collections.

3. A list of the biota currently known to occur within the site's boundaries; biota groups might include: 1) vascular plants, 2) vertebrates, 3) endangered species, and 4) species of special concern, including endemic and non-native species.

4. Field surveys are to be conducted to confirm the existence of reported plant and animal species and to document the presence of new ones.

5. A vegetation map should be produced from adopted vegetation classification schemes of ground-based measurements and should be correlated with those based upon aerial photography or remotely sensed imagery no more than five years old. The vegetation map should be suitable for input into an automated geographic information system.

6. A base map component should include digital elevation models, site boundaries, hypsography, hydrography, and transportation networks (in the GIS).

7. Soils and geology maps may be obtained through federal agencies.

8. Hydrologic maps should identify the location of streams, lakes, wetlands, and groundwater supplies (wells), while including any existing data for water quality parameters (i.e., salinity, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, rapid bioassessment baseline (EPA/state protocols, involving fish and macroinvertebrates), temperature, and flow, toxic elements, clarity/turbidity, nitrate/nitrogen, phosphate/phosphorous, chlorophyll, sulfates, and bacteria).

9. Air quality monitoring stations in close proximity to each site should provide information on annual precipitation, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and maximum and minimum daily temperatures.

10. Ground surveys of the delta may include GPS points for the beginning and end of ground transects from which LAI, fAPAR, and spectroradiometric data is collected.

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