Outline of Case Study in Methodology

I.   Creating point maps of sample locations using ArcView

     A.  An introduction to GIS, ArcView projects,
        and basemaps.

     B.  Creating and displaying base maps.

     C.  Creating and editing point shapefiles.

          1. Adding points in ArcView by pointing and clicking.
          2. Importing GPS or other tabular data that have
           been formatted as a dbase-file or as a text file.
          3. Combining methods.
          4. Getting X and Y coordinates from ArcView.
          5. Using Excel with ArcView.

     D.  Linking point shapefiles to sample data and
        displaying the results.

II.  Using GeoEAS for surface interpolation.

     A.  The GeoEAS file format.

     B.  Exploratory Data Analysis.

     C.  Choosing the Variogram Model.

     D.  Ordinary Kriging.

     E.  Viewing the Kriging output using GeoEAS.

III.  Linking the GeoEAS Kriging output to ArcView.

     A.  Importing output from GeoEAS kriging into

     B.  Creating an ArcView polygon shapefile to match.

     C.  Using ACCESS to link the GeoEAS output to the
        ArcView shapefile table and exporting the result.

     D.  Importing the file described in C above into ArcView
        and displaying the results on an ArcView map.

IV.    Using a DEM to display cotton field elevations and to
        develop scatterplot of S strain incidence vs elevation

U of A Geostatistics | U of A Plant Pathology GIS Home | U of A GIS
Contact:  Tom Orum at torum@ag.arizona.edu
  Merritt Nelson at mrnelson@ag.arizona.edu
01/19/00 http://ag.arizona.edu/PLP/GIS